Student Wellbeing & Support

At '545' we endeavour to provide the best possible learning environment that we can for our students. The school motto is "We Care" and this is exemplified in the promotion and nurturing of a caring school environment. We believe that students learn best when they feel safe, are happy, and feel valued as people.

Wellbeing Programs

Breakfast Club

We run a Breakfast Club from our canteen. Breakfast Club is held before school every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This has been very successful and is currently run on parent and school staff support, along with community sponsorship.

Our School Dog - Nala

Our school is fortunate to have a school dog, named Nala. She attends school every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. All students love spending time with her when she visits their classroom.

Nala also supports students with their emotional wellbeing. Her gentle and caring nature continues to draw students to her, especially when they are feeling upset, lonely, angry or just need a cuddle. She is a much loved member of our school.

Peer Support (Buddies Program)

The Peer Support Program involves Foundation students and their grade 5/6 buddies being timetabled to meet and participate in activities together. Buddies also assist Foundation students in the yard at recess and lunchtimes early in the year by creating games and helping them to join in and make friends.

Respectful Relationships

A prescribed Respectful Relationships program is taught at all grade levels. Specific lessons are taught at different levels of the school so that students can embed a culture of respect and equality across the entire school community.

Peer Assistant Leaders (PAL's)

Senior School students trained as peer assistants to help junior students in the playground to participate in positive games, and to develop friendships with students their own age.

Positive Rewards

All classrooms operate on rewards systems that encourage students to act responsibly. These usually involve the class choosing a reward if they meet a certain class target eg. marbles in the jar, points, or stickers on a chart etc. Rewards range from a casual day or special lunch to 'lucky dips' in the class at the end of each week.

Student Management

Our traffic light colour coded system is part of our student management program in all classrooms, during specialist sessions and out in the yard. Within learning teams across the school, teachers have established a set of expected behaviours for each colour, as well as strategies for moving students to green behaviours.

Our School Values

Our School Values encapsulate what we at '545' want to instil in all of our students. Staff throughout the school refer to our school values while teaching and expect students to reflect and make the 'right' decisions when it comes to their learning and behaviour.


Student Support

Children's Services

The Wellington Network of Government Schools provides a range of curriculum and student support services through the school at the request of teachers and / or parents. Referrals for specialist services ae available in the following areas:

  • Counselling and guidance
  • School Nurse
  • Speech therapy
  • Academic assessment

Wellbeing Team

We have a team of Wellbeing staff available to support boh students and parents 5 days per week. If you require support, please call the office on 51445545.

Defence School Mentor

Sale Primary School has a close association with the RAAF Base East Sale and as such has a number of students from Defence Force families enrolled at the school. A Defence School Mentor is available for Defence Force Families to access in times of need, especially regarding initial enrolment and settling in as well as transfers out when postings change.